The Officers
The officers of an assembly are:
Faithful Navigator, who presides at all meetings and enforces the rules and regulations of the assembly and the laws of the order. He is also the chairman of the Board of Trustees;
Faithful Captain, who in the absence of the Faithful Navigator, he performs the duties of the Faithful Navigator. He is also in charge of activities social and otherwise under the Good of the Order;
Faithful Pilot, who has charge of all properties of the assembly and is responsible for the assembly chamber. He is also responsible for the Sentinels;
Faithful Comptroller, who maintains records (i.e. membership) collects and receives all money for the assembly, and prepares orders on the Purser for bills to be paid;
Faithful Scribe, who maintains records of all meetings and conduct all correspondence of the assembly;
Faithful Purser, who receives money from the Faithful Comptroller and pays orders signed by the Faithful Comptroller and the Faithful Navigator. He also maintains all money accounts;
Faithful Sentinels, who ensure that all attending an assembly function are in possession of both a 3rd and 4th Degree Membership Card;
Faithful Admiral, who is responsible for recruiting new members and the assembly’s participation in the 4th degree exemplification;
Board of Trustees, consisting of the Faithful Navigator, who is the chairman, and 3 members usually Past Faithful Navigators. They supervise all the financial business of the assembly.